Helping Good Things Grow Every Day
Michaelis Family Farm is all about helping good things grow every day- more than delicious fruits and vegetables- we also grow relationships, strength and skills. As our babies started to become kids we wanted a place where they could learn important life lessons and make a tangible impact. The Farm has provided that and more! We hope you will experience some of those same benefits as 'u-pick' to enjoy the fruits of our labors.
Favorite Lessons from the Farm:
When the berries of life seem few and far between, Get Down on your Knees and Look Up
We strive to be devoted disciples of Jesus Christ. We believe in God- a supreme power who demonstrates love for each member of the human family in abundance. Sometimes in order to see that abundance we just need a change of perspective.
You Reap what you Sow
It is impossible to receive a harvest from something that wasn't planted. What you plant-literally and figuratively will determine your harvest. When my second daughter moved across the country for an internship she brought home her plethora of house plants. My curious 4 yr old asked what each plant was. She was excited to learn we would be raising a lipstick plant, and dumbfounded that we wanted a spider plant! She already understood the Law of the Harvest.
Efforts Come Back Multiplied
Whether we scatter good seeds or bad, our efforts will come back multiplied. I think bad seeds (weeds) multiply exponentially faster than good ones, but a good seed brings forth much fruit!
Favorite Lessons from the Farm:
When the berries of life seem few and far between, Get Down on your Knees and Look Up
We strive to be devoted disciples of Jesus Christ. We believe in God- a supreme power who demonstrates love for each member of the human family in abundance. Sometimes in order to see that abundance we just need a change of perspective.
You Reap what you Sow
It is impossible to receive a harvest from something that wasn't planted. What you plant-literally and figuratively will determine your harvest. When my second daughter moved across the country for an internship she brought home her plethora of house plants. My curious 4 yr old asked what each plant was. She was excited to learn we would be raising a lipstick plant, and dumbfounded that we wanted a spider plant! She already understood the Law of the Harvest.
Efforts Come Back Multiplied
Whether we scatter good seeds or bad, our efforts will come back multiplied. I think bad seeds (weeds) multiply exponentially faster than good ones, but a good seed brings forth much fruit!